Basic First Aid For Pets

first aid for petsAs the weather improves and we and our dogs are out and about the higher the likelihood of accidents increases that may require some basic first aid for your pet.

Remember first aid is normally only an initial intervention until you get your pet to the vet. Your vet will have more medication, equipment and knowledge to deal with the situation fully. In all circumstances the best advice is to remain calm. If you aren’t sure what to do call your vet and ask advice and they can give you some initial guidance by phone and if your pet needs to go to the vet drive sensibly for your sake and theirs, an accident will only delay them getting treatment or worse.

Burns & Scolds – The first thing to do in pets is similar to that in humans. Run the effected limb or area under cold water for five minutes. Apply a cold compress and get the animal to the vet. Keep the core body warm as they can go into shock.

Broken Bones – This is absolutely a job for the vet so get them there as soon as possible but in the meantime try to keep them as calm as possible and limit movement by putting them in a cage or a box to stop them doing any more damage.

Bleeding – If bleeding is minor you can apply a pressure bandage and assuming bleeding stops keep the wound clean and treat at home. Remember if bandaging make it tight enough to stay on, but not so tight it cuts off circulation as this can cause problems. Vet wrap elasticated bandage is great for this and is available widely online and in pet stores. If bandaging a paw ensure you bandage the paw as well as the leg to avoid foot swelling. If the wound or bleed is more significant apply the bandage or compress and get the dog to the vet keeping it warm on the way. Do not apply a tourniquet unless as a last option, under veterinarian advice

Poisoning – If you think your dog has been poisoned do not make it sick as this can make things worse, especially if the poisoning agent is caustic. Call your vet for advice if in doubt and take the packaging of the product with the ingredients listed or the plant or item with you that you think maybe responsible. This can help get the right treatment quickly once you reach the vet as they will know what they are dealing with quickly.

Heat Stroke – Put the animal in a cool room preferably in a draft and apply tepid water to the coat. If you apply cold water it will contract the blood vessels and slow the cooling process so avoid the temptation to apply ice or cold water. Allow the animal small amounts of water and contact the vet as soon as possible.
Stay safe out there from all at Calagran Four Paws Hotel xx

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